Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Activia Situation

So I have decided to go back to trying some new things on the diet and exercise front. Since I have acquired a taste for yogurt (this took months), I thought I would try Activia since I tend to suffer from IBS and Jamie Lee Curtis raves about it how it “regulates” your digestive system in just 2 weeks.

I bought some Activia Light (Vanilla flavor) which has only 70 calories and I must say it tastes pretty good. But my problem isn’t with the taste. Actually it isn’t so much as MY problem as it is my husband’s problem. He has informed me that if I don’t stop eating it, he may move out for he cannot take another night “dealing” with the gaseous affect it has on my poor digestive system. The first night I thought he was bluffing, but after 4 nights straight, he has put is foot down and I am going back to my Light-n-Fit.

Trying Yoga tomorrow….pray for me.

1 comment:

  1. Try Chobani Organi Greek Yogurt - Strawberry, Blueberry or Peach - awesome! Really! Lots of protein, no fat. No artificial sugars. I think the Activia has the artifical sugar in it - could be lots of your problem.
